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Ramp-up from scratch
Establishing new operations
Project development and management from evaluation to execution, including location search, staffing and temporary management, tailored to your individual demand.
matthias griesmayr
Buy established set-ups
Finding the ideal take-over candidates
We conduct targeted searches for your ideal M&A targets in any regional or local market around and evaluate potential interest descreetly.
matthias griesmayr
Improving operations
Finding the probles and solutions.
We get our hands dirty and make the deep dive into your operations at group, country or branch level, find the pain points and propose solutions.
matthias griesmayr
Change projects
New structures, processes and tools.
We manage or support your operational change project to whatever degree you need or desire.
Including roll-out or customization of IT systems.
matthias griesmayr
Interim Management
Contingency management
Urgent intervention and support.
We help you getting a situation under control as fast as possible, finding a qualified contingency manager to take over within 1-2 weeks.
matthias griesmayr
Temporary management
Smooth transition into a long-term solution.
We provide you a temporary management resource to lead your business through a
specific phase and get it ready for hand-over.
matthias griesmayr
Executive Search
Getting the best into key positions.
There is nothing more important than having the right people on board in all key positions.
We get them for you!
matthias griesmayr
Recruitment Management
Managing recruitment effectively.
Recruitment for your teams must be an ongoing process, that fills a pipeline of people to approach, when the time is right.
matthias griesmayr